Monday, April 16, 2012

World which lets you be who you want.

The world that which lets you be who you want, which lets you speak what you want, which lets you act the way you want.

Aaah common for god's sake…!!!  such world is never supposed exist…..

I was wondering while I read blogs and watch movies which show a sense of freedom in character and which project a senseless freedom towards things they do which are so so… nonexistent in the real world or (I just don’t understand what I have read or seen ;) )

 I believe as human beings we are bound to live in the clustered environments where we are dependent on the fellow beings to be who we are.

 ‘I’ and ‘me’ does not have an identity of themselves and they are incomplete if  they are not a father or a mother or brother, sister, husband, wife, friend to someone else….

Instead of building “I” with ego of being I. If we try to build our ‘I’ by being genuinely good in the combinations that builds up’ I’ or ‘Me’. Worlds would be a better to places to live.

On the day this happens…. World that which lets us be who we want, which lets us speak what we want, which lets us believe in what we want,  which lets us act the way we want will definitely exists all around us.

Image :

1 comment:

  1. ok lets meet when that happens but i doubt whether we will have any fun without these stupids around :)
